Established: 1992


  • To review the Howland Award nominations received and prepare a slate of three finalists.
  • To review the Officer and Council Member nominations received and prepare a slate of candidates.

Functions and Responsibilities:

  • Responsible for reviewing the Howland Award nominations received and preparing a slate of three finalists to be brought before APS Council for consideration at the APS Fall Council Meeting.
  • Responsible for reviewing the Officer and Council Member nominations received, and to prepare a slate of candidates for the APS election to be brought before APS Council for consideration at the APS Fall Council Meeting.


  • Committee members must be APS members.
  • The last three (3) Howland Awardees to each serve one (1) 3-year term.
  • Immediate Past President serves a 1-year term as Committee Chair.
  • CODIE member to serve one (1) 3-year term (ask when serving the 1st year of their 2nd term, or 2nd/3rd year of their 1st term with the expectation that they will continue to serve and additional 2 years on the CODIE committee).
  • Advocacy Policy Committee member to serve one (1) 3-year term (ask when serving the 1st year of their 2nd term, or 2nd/3rd year of their 1st term with the expectation that they will continue to serve and additional 2 years on the Advocacy committee).
  • One (1) member-at-large from the Society to serve one 3-year term with no reappointment. Open call to the membership for nominations requiring a letter detailing how they have contributed to APS and their interest in serving the committee, and a DEI statement.
  • Member-at-large is reviewed and selected by committee members.
  • Current members of the APS Council, except the Committee Chair, are ineligible.

Chair Terms/Limits:

  • Term is for one (1) year.

Member Terms/Limits:

  • Terms are for one (1) 3-year term with no re-appointment.


  • As needed.

Current Committee:

Michael DeBaun, MD (APS Past President) (Term: 2024-2025)


Cindy Christian, MD – Advocacy Member (2023-2026)
Yvonne (Bonnie) Maldonado, MD (Term: 2023-2026)
Brian Sims, MD – CODIE Member (2023-2026)
Richard Whitley, MD (Term: 2022-2025)
Christine Gleason, MD (2023-2026)
Alan Jobe, MD (Term: 2024-2027)