The John Howland Award, named in honor of Dr. John Howland [1873-1926] is the highest honor given by the American Pediatric Society. Since 1952, when Dr. Edwards Park received the inaugural award, this prestigious award—with its accompanying medal—has been bestowed annually upon an esteemed pediatric leader whose significant contributions have advanced child health and the profession of pediatrics.


Nomination Criteria Article II of the APS Constitution forms the basis for the selection criteria:

The objectives of this Society shall be to bring together men and women for the advancement of the study of children and their diseases, for the prevention of illness and the promotion of health in childhood, for the promotion of pediatric education and research, and to honor those who, by their contributions to pediatrics, have aided in its advancement.

Award Information The award will be presented annually to one individual during the APS Presidential Plenary at the PAS Meeting and the awardee is honored at the APS Members & Howland Dinner.

The award includes the medal, a $5000 honorarium and PAS meeting expenses, including complimentary registration, economy-level travel and hotel accommodations for 4 nights.

Nomination Procedures A Call for APS Howland Award Nominations is sent to the APS membership-at-large.

Note: APS Officers and Council members are not eligible to submit nominations. 

Initial Nomination Requirements

  • Current curriculum vitae of the nominee and complete bibliography.
  • John Howland Award nomination form.
  • Two-page letter of nomination signed by the nominator.

APS Nominating Committee selects up to three (3) finalists.

Nominators of the finalist candidates are notified by mid-August to complete and submit a full nomination packet by the first of October to include:

  • Three (3) letters of support from APS members.
  • Active, Honorary and Emeritus APS members, in good standing, are eligible to submit support letters for one Howland nominee per year.
  • APS Officers and Council members are not eligible to submit support letters.
  • At least two (2) but no more than five (5) scholarly publications authored by nominee.

The awardee is selected by the APS Council at its Fall Council meeting and the awardee and the nominator are informed by the APS President.

Re-nomination Instructions The ORIGINAL nominator must submit a completed APS John Howland Award nomination form and a letter requesting that the nominee be re-considered. It is the nominator’s responsibility to submit the nomination form, including any updated information. After five (5) successive years of nomination, nominations may be resubmitted to the APS Nominating Committee only after a waiting period of three (3) years.