Established: February 2012
- The Committee’s priorities are to inform policy, advocacy, and academic research, specifically in the area of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, by developing scholarly sessions for the PAS Meeting, and other APS educational platforms. Additionally, the Committee will support excellence in DEI initiatives, including the annual David G. Nichols Health Equity Award.
- To promote diversity, inclusion and equity within APS.
- To promote diversity, inclusion and equity across all domains of academic child health.
Functions & Responsibilities:
- Planning for a plenary symposium or workshop at the PAS Meeting.
- Call to members to serve.
- Committee members must be APS members.
- Members are reviewed and selected by committee members.
- Council Liaison to serve during their tenure as a Councilor.
- APS President and Secretary/Treasurer are ex officio committee members during their tenure in these roles.
Co-Chair Terms/Limits:
- Co-chair terms are staggered.
- Chairs appointed by Council, upon APS President and Secretary/Treasurer’s recommendation.
- Chairs serve a 3-year term.
- Chairs can serve a maximum of 1 consecutive term.
- Chairs serve on the David G. Nichols Award Selection Committee, concurrent to chair term.
Member Terms/Limits:
- Members serve a 3-year term.
- Members can serve a maximum of 1 consecutive term.
- Duration of meeting is up to one hour.
- Meetings are held every 1-2 months.
- Quorum is not necessary.
Current Committee:
Joseph L. Wright, MD, MPH (Term: Co-Chair 2020-2023, 2023-2026)
Jean Raphael, MD, MPH (Term: 2019–2022, 2022-2024, Co-Chair 2024-2025)
Clifford Bogue, MD (Term 2024-2025) ex officio (APS President)
Catherine Gordon, MD (Term: 2023–2028) ex officio (APS Secretary/Treasurer)
Shaquita Bell, MD (Term: 2024-2027)
Sonia Bonifacio, MD (Term: 2024-2027)
Monika Goyal, MD, MSCE (Term: 2024-2027)
Madeline Joseph, MD (Term: 2022-2025)
Yvonne Maldonado, MD (Term: 2019–2022, 2022-2025)
Kenya McNeal-Trice, MD (Term: 2023-2026)
Debora Silva, MD (Term: 2023-2026)
Brian Sims, MD, PhD (Term: 2021-2024, 2024-2027)
Marietta Vazquez, MD (Term: 2022-2025)
Jeffrey Upperman, MD (Term: 2024-2027)