Established: Former Leadership in Academic Pediatrics Committee Established in 2010-2011
Career Development Committee Established in May 2019
- Provide career support to enable academic pediatric leaders to maximize their professional aspirations.
Functions & Responsibilities:
- Responsible for reviewing leadership sessions organized at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting and identifying those that would be beneficial for APS members seeking to learn more about issues in academic medicine, administrative practice and national initiatives and perspectives that influence clinical care, education, and research in children’s health. These sessions will be designated in the PAS Program Guide as “APS Recommended Leadership Development Sessions.”
- Responsible for developing themes arising from the ‘career support’ theme within the current APS Strategic Plan. Specifically, to develop programs aimed at supporting career transitions by APS members and coaching of and by APS members focused on career development.
- Members solicited from APS membership and include individuals who have either:
1) An interest in or formal training in leadership/coaching; and/or
2) Experience in a leadership position (i.e. Chair/Dean/Institute Director). - Membership is limited to 8 Active APS members, including chairs.
- Members are reviewed and selected by committee members.
- Council Liaison to serve during their tenure as a Councilor.
Co-Chair Terms/Limits:
- Co-chair terms are staggered.
- Chairs are selected by previous Chair.
- Chairs serve a 3-year term.
- Chairs can serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms.
Member Terms/Limits:
- Members serve a 3-year term.
- Members can serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms.
- Duration of meeting is up to one hour.
- Meetings are biannually, quarterly, or as needed to be called by Chairs.
- Quorum is necessary.
Current Committee:
Elaine Schulte, MD, MPH (Term: Member 2020-2023, Co-Chair 2023-2026)
Karen Wilson, MD, MPH (Term: Member 2023-2024, Co-Chair 2024-2027)
Council Liaison
Laura Richardson (Term 2023-2026)
Archana Chatterjee, MD, PhD (Term: 2024-2027)
Coleen Cunningham, MD (Term: 2022-2025)
Phyllis Dennery, MD (Term: 2024-2027)
Jennifer Friedman, MD (Term: 2023-2026)
James Jarvis, MD (Term: 2023-2026)
Suhas Kallapur, MB, BS (Term: 2022-2025)