Session 1 Opening Plenary: A Career Journey in Pediatric Research Participants: Open to All – APS & SPR Members and Nonmembers
Speaker: Gregg Semenza, MD, PhD, Director, Vascular Program, Institute for Cell Engineering
Professor of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins, School of Medicine
February 12, 12-1pm CT
Sessions 2 - 4: Cohort Breakout Sessions
Participants: Cohort Members and Leaders – invitation only
February 19, March 19, April 16: 3-4:30pm CT
Session 5: Interactive Workshop: Communicating Your Science
Participants: Cohort Members and Leaders (invitation only)
Speaker: Chris Gunter, PhD, Senior Advisor to the NHGRI Director on Genomics Engagement,
Office of the Director and Head, Engagement Methods Unit, Social and Behavioral Research Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH
April 30, 12-1:30pm CT
Session 6: Closing Plenary: Career Journey
Participants: Open to All – APS & SPR Members and Nonmembers
Speakers: Kevin Churchwell, MD, President and Chief Operating Officer, Boston Children’s
Hospital and Martine Rothblatt, PhD, JD, Chairman and CEO, United Therapeutics
May 17, 9-10:30am CT
APS SPR Journeys Cohort Leaders
APS Members
Vineet Bhandari
Cliff Bogue
Wally Carlo
Jonathon Davis
Michael DeBaun
Bruce Gelb
Catherine Gordon
Peggy Hostetter
Lee Pacher
SPR Members
Cristina M. Alvira
Lina Chalak
David Cornfield
Todd Florin
Monika Goyal
Joel Hirschhorn
David Hunstad
Linda Mcallister
Beth Tarini
APS SPR Journeys Cohort Participants
Coming soon