APS is Looking for Candidate to Serve on Expert Delphi Panel
The American Pediatric Society is looking for a candidate to serve on an expert Delphi panel that seeks to define the essential components of a pediatric teaching service. The Delphi Research on Essential Components of Teaching Services (DiRECTS) Study, is in the process of compiling an expert stakeholder panel and are hoping to include representatives endorsed by multiple key organizations in pediatric education, including the APS.
Ideal candidates are:
(1) Interested and experienced in medical education, ideally holding local, regional, and/or national leadership positions, and
(2) Work clinically as an inpatient attending with pediatric residents
Their goal is to assemble a panel that is geographically diverse, and includes representatives from small, medium and large programs. They wish to include both hospitalists and other subspecialists (e.g., cardiology, NICU, etc). Participation in the Delphi panel would not require any travel; DiRECTS will carry out the process electronically.
Of note, DiRECTS is also seeking recommendations/endorsements from the following organizations: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Pediatric Education (COPE), Academic Pediatric Association (APA), American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs (AMSPDC), Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD), Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics (COMSEP), AAP Section on Pediatric Trainees (SOPT), the Council in Pediatric Subspecialties (COPS) and the Pediatric Hospital Medicine subgroup.
Please recommend an APS member (or two) who the APS should nominate. As always, self-nominations are encouraged! Submit APS recommendations by October 1.
Please forward your recommendations to our Association Director at info@aps1888.org who will work with the APS President, Dr. Bruce Gelb and Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Christine Gleason, to finalize selections. Thank you for your consideration.