Established: 2011


  • Ensure that APS has a strong identity at the PAS meeting by sponsoring state-of-the-art invited science presentations, academic leadership development activities, networking and exchange of ideas among current and future APS members.

Functions & Responsibilities:

  • Establish an “APS Day” within the PAS meeting that features robust, high quality, well-attended scientific programming led by and identified with PAS.


  • Call to members to serve
  • Committee members must be APS members.
  • Members are reviewed and selected by committee members.
  • Council makes recommendations for Invited Science presenters for PAS Meeting.
  • Three (3) committee members (at-large) assist Council in making the selections.
  • Current President and President-elect are committee members during their tenure in these roles.

Chair Terms/Limits:

  • Chair is current APS Secretary/Treasurer, with a 5-year term concurrent with APS Council term.

Member Terms/Limits:

  • Members serve a 3-Year term.
  • Members can serve a maximum of 1 consecutive term.
  • Terms are staggered to ensure institution memory.


  • Duration of meeting is approximately one (1) hour.
  • Meetings are conducted at the summer and winter PAS program committee meetings.
  • Quorum is not necessary.

Current Committee:

Catherine Gordon (Term: 2023-2028)

Clifford Bogue, MD (APS President) (Term: 2024-2025)
Stephen Daniels, MD (APS President-elect) (Term: 2024-2025)
Lise Nigrovic, MD (Term: 2021-2024, 2024-2027)
Jennifer Read, MD (Term: 2019-2022, 2020-2025)
Yasmin Pedrogo, MD (Term: 2024-2027)