APS Roadmap to PAS 2022
Friday, April 22
Fri., April 22, 2:30 - 4 pm - APS/SPR Joint Presidential Plenary: Reducing Susceptibility to Misinformation: COVID, Climate, and Conspiracies
APS/SPR Joint Presidential Plenary: Reducing Susceptibility to Misinformation: COVID, Climate, and Conspiracies
Friday, April 22, 2022
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: Four Seasons Ballroom 2-3
The science of medicine offers tremendous opportunities to improve the health of children, but our ability to deliver on that promise may be thwarted by the blizzard of misinformation readily available to our patients and families. In this session, Dr. Kathleen Hall Jamieson of the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania will explain how pediatricians can reframe the way in which we think about misinformation. She will show how we can create a “buffer” to misinformation by proactively providing background knowledge that translates the language of science into the language of the popular culture. She will be joined on this panel by Dr. Michelle Fiscus, pediatrician and former Tennessee vaccine chief in charge of the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, and Dr. Judy Schaechter, President and CEO of the American Board of Pediatrics. They will describe how this approach can make sense of recent events in Tennessee (COVID vaccines), Florida (firearm safety) and nationally (climate change) and allow us to refocus our energy on the health of children and families.
- Moderator: David Keller, MD, FAAP
- Presentation 1: Reducing Susceptibility to Misinformation: COVID, Climate, and Conspiracies
Speaker: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, PhD - Presentation 2: State Politics & Public Health: A cautionary tale
Speaker Michelle Fiscus, MD, FAAP - Presentation 3: It’s Not Politics. It’s Child Health.
Speaker Judy Schaechter, MD, MBA, FAAP - Q & A Session: David Keller, MD, FAAP with Kathleen Hall Jamieson, PhD, Michelle Fiscus, MD, FAAP, and Judy Schaechter, MD, MBA, FAAP
Fri., April 22, 6:15 - 7:15 pm - APS SPR Journeys Reception for Alumni & Current Participants
APS SPR Journeys Reception for Alumni & Current Participants
Friday, April 22, 2022
6:15 PM – 7:15 PM
Location: Convention Center: Four Seasons Ballroom Foyer
Saturday, April 23
Sat., April 23, 8 - 9:30 am - The Future of Medicaid: A Powerful Tool to Address Racial/Ethnic Equity
The Future of Medicaid: A Powerful Tool to Address Racial/Ethnic Equity
Saturday, April 23, 2022
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Convention Center: Mile High Ballroom 4EF
- James Perrin, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
MassGeneral Hospital for Children; Harvard Medical School
Medicaid and CHIP provide essential health insurance for low-income US children and youth, covering 40-50% of the US population under age 21. Medicaid innovations assure pediatric-specific benefits such as the EPSDT program. Yet, partly because of its focus on low-income people, Medicaid has lower payment rates than Medicare, treating Medicaid beneficiaries as meriting less than other citizens. Lower payment limits access to both primary and subspecialty care for many children and youth. Unlike Medicare, Medicaid funding comes from state and Federal sources, a liability when states face revenue shortfalls leading to benefit and eligibility cuts. Insofar as Medicaid recipients are disproportionately children and youth of color, the program perpetuates US racial inequities.
Substantive Medicaid reform can help eliminate child health disparities and structural racism. Is the time now to seek payment parity, make Medicaid universally available, transform it to fully federal funding, and strengthen the child-specific benefits with universal standards? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently made Medicaid reform a top priority, joining other pediatric groups calling for reform to achieve their missions. This momentum builds on ACA efforts to expand adult Medicaid coverage, as well as earlier universal children’s coverage proposals. The session first reviews Medicaid history and impact, followed by information from the recent NASEM report that addressed Medicaid funding for enhanced primary care. Discussion of earlier efforts at universal health coverage for children/youth will precede views of reform from a leading Medicaid scholar and the AAP This session will offer strategies to move Medicaid reform forward.
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM US MTMedicaid: Background and Framing
Speaker: James M. Perrin, MD – MassGeneral Hospital for Children; Harvard Medical School -
The NASEM Primary Care Report: Financing Options
Speaker: Tumaini R. Coker, MD, MBA – University of Washington School of Medicine/Seattle Children’s -
Steve Berman, MD – University of Colorado School of Medicine
Vision for Medicaid Reform
Speaker: Jocelyn Guyer, MPA – Manatt Health -
Medicaid and the AAP: A Top Priority for Reform
Speaker: Mark Del Monte, JD – American Academy of Pediatrics -
Building the Case and Coalition for Change
Speaker: Lisa J. Chamberlain, MD, MPH – Stanford University School of Medicine
Sat., April 23, 9:30 - 1:30 pm - Coaching as a Development Tool for Pediatricians Across the Career Continuum
Coaching as a Developmental Tool for Pediatricians Across the Career Continuum
By Invitation Only
- Maryellen Gusic, MD
Senior Associate Dean, Education
Professor of Biomedical Education and Data Science
Professor of Pediatrics
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University - Aaron Friedman, MD
Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics
University of Wisconsin & University of Minnesota - Elaine Schulte, MD, MPH, BCC
Vice Chair, Academic Affairs and Faculty Development
Professor of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore & Albert Einstein College of Medicine
This American Pediatric Society-sponsored special ancillary interactive session is designed to promote awareness about the value of coaching as a developmental tool across the pediatric career continuum. The session will enhance participants’ understanding of the various applications of coaching as a tool to support the careers of trainees, faculty and staff in academic pediatric programs.
The session will begin with a brief didactic to ensure a shared understanding about the definition of coaching and a discussion to outline the individual and organizational benefits of coaching within academic health centers. Using brief case studies participants will examine and differentiate coaching from advising and mentoring. Through another brief didactic and a coaching demonstration, participants will experience the archetypes of a coaching conversation and assess how this approach could be applied across the career continuum.
Next, participants will learn and apply the use of inquiry-based questions, active listening and empowering language in coaching conversations. Feedback from peers and from the presenters will advance learning.
Following a break, we will share existing models of effective coaching programs in academic health centers and review core elements of successful coaching programs. Then, participants will work in small groups, based on their program needs (e.g., designing a new program, providing professional development for coaches, evaluating/using evaluation data to enhance an existing program) and, through facilitated discussion with APS faculty will create an action plan to take back to their organization.
Sat., April 23, 10 - 11:30 am - Publication Pearls: Enhancing success in scientific publication
Publication Pearls: Enhancing success in scientific publication
Cynthia Bearer, MD, PhD
Professor, CWRU; Division Chief, Neonatology, Rainbow Babies & Children’s
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Professor of Paediatrics
Trinity College Dublin
“If you do not write for publication, there is little point in writing at all.” George Bernard Shaw
The Editors-in-Chief of the journal Pediatric Research, will give a short interactive didactic on each section of this workshop, followed by hands-on activities facilitated by editorial board members. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops and a writing project (can be a draft, an outline, or even an idea!). The participants will be divided into facilitated small groups for dynamic discussion and hands-on activities of the following topics: 1) Where do I submit my research? 2) How do I format my manuscript? 3) How do I write my manuscript with the review in mind? 4) What happens after I submit my manuscript? 5) What does the decision letter mean? 6) How do I write a revision? Throughout the session participants will be given examples to discuss in their groups, encouraged to ask questions and share from their own experience and from their group’s discussion. At the close of the session participants will be invited to make concluding comments from each of the small groups. A detailed overview of the workshop and handouts will be provided for all participants.
Sat., April 23, 1 - 2:30 pm - APS Presidential Plenary: Leading with Science and Integrity and the 2022 John Howland Award
APS Presidential Plenary: Leading with Science and Integrity and the 2022 John Howland Award
Saturday, April 23, 2022
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Convention Center: 503-504
APS Presidential Address: APS President Mary B. Leonard, MD, MSCE, Stanford University
- “Leading with Science and Integrity” – The Role of the Pediatrician in Promoting Trustworthiness
The COVID pandemic has eroded trust in science as a consequence of the rapid growth in competing and contradictory information. This impacts our role as advocates for vaccine, immigration, climate change, gun violence and mental health reform. These threats are compounded by racism, social injustice, and inequities in our society and health care system. Accordingly, there is an imperative to protect medical science and its integrity. Public trust in medical doctors is considerably stronger than trust in research scientists; and highest among pediatricians. We have a unique opportunity and moral imperative to lead with science and integrity.
Introduction, 2022 John Howland Award Recipient: Jonathan McCullers, MD, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
2022 John Howland Award Recipient Presentation: Richard J. Whitley, MD, Distinguished Professor, Loeb Eminent Scholar Chair in Pediatrics, Professor of Pediatrics, Microbiology, Medicine and Neurosurgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- 50 Years of Clinical Trials: Perspectives from Investigator to Trial Monitor
Clinical Trials require trust between volunteers and the investigator; a trust that can never be violated. Transparency is fundamental. As trials mature, volunteers need to learn the outcome of their participation. Importantly, as clinical trials have become more sophisticated, data safety and monitoring boards have become fundamental to trial performance. Such boards insure the integrity of trial performance and protect the volunteers.
Sunday, April 24
Sun., April 24, 8 - 9 am - Disparities in Access to Pediatric Health Care in the U.S.: Opportunities to improve child health
Disparities in Access to Pediatric Health Care in the United States: Opportunities to improve child health
Sunday, April 24, 2022
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 1 CD
- David Keller, MD
Professor and Vice Chair for Clinical Strategy and Transformation
University of Colorado School of Medicine - Scott Lorch, MD, MSCE
Professor of Pediatrics
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Children across the world continue to experience increased rates of mortality and morbidity that vary by geographic and socioeconomic status. One driver of these adverse outcomes is the ability of a child to access high-quality, risk-appropriate health care. In the United States, there are vast disparities in childhood access to pediatric care, whether it be pediatric primary care and telehealth services; pediatric subspecialty care; or high-intensity neonatal and pediatric hospital care. There are a number of drivers for such disparities, including patient factors such as insurance status and race/ethnicity, which limit where a child may receive care; community factors such as the availability of health care providers to deliver such care to patients; and state and national policies that underlie the delivery of health care to children. Understanding how these factors impact access to care and the outcomes of such inadequate care within a specific community is critical to develop methods to improve access to care.
Appropriate for health care practitioners of all pediatric specialties, this symposium will focus on access to pediatric primary care and telehealth services; pediatric subspecialty care; or high-intensity neonatal and pediatric hospital care. Led by three established investigators in this field, this Hot Topics symposium will discuss the current state of research on (1) the epidemiology and drivers of inadequate access to pediatric health care; (2) the outcomes of such inadequate access to care for various patients and communities; and (3) methods that health care practitioners can employ to improve access specifically within their community.
Access to Pediatric Primary Care and Telehealth
Speaker: Kristin Ray, MD, MS – University of Pittsburgh -
Access to Pediatric Subspecialty Care
Speaker: Gary Freed, MD, MPH – University of Michigan Medical School -
Access to Neonatal Intensive Care
Speaker: Scott A. Lorch, MD, MSCE – The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Sun., April 24, 10 - 11:30 am - Intergenerational Transmission of Historically Mediated Racism
Intergenerational Transmission of Historically Mediated Racism
Sunday, April 24, 2022
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Location: Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 4EF
- Joseph Wright, MD MPH
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer
University of Maryland School of Public Health - Tamera Coyne-Beasley, MD, MPH
Vice-Chair, Community Engagement, Division Director, Adolescent Medicine
University of Alabama Birmingham
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM US MTIntroduction: At the intersection of science, equity and social justice
Speaker: Joseph L. Wright, MD MPH – University of Maryland Medical System -
The basic science of historic marginalization: What we know
Speaker: James N. Jarvis, MD – Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo -
Clinical implications of racism
Speaker: Tamera Coyne-Beasley, Coyne-Beasley, MD, MPH – University of Alabama at Birmingham -
Pediatric approach to trauma, treatment, and resilience
Speaker: Moira Szilagyi, MD PhD – University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine
Sun., April 24, 11:30 am - 1 pm - APS Member Networking Luncheon
APS Member Networking Luncheon
Sunday, April 24, 2022
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM US MT
Location: Hyatt Regency: Capitol Ballroom1-3
Sun., April 24, 1 - 2:30 pm - APS Presidential Plenary: Embracing the Diversity of our Mission and the 2022 Norman J. Siegel New Member Outstanding Science Award, Mary Ellen Avery Award, and David G. Nichols Health Equity Award
APS Presidential Plenary: Embracing the Diversity of our Mission and the 2022 Norman J. Siegel New Member Outstanding Science Award, Mary Ellen Avery Award, and David G. Nichols Health Equity Award
Sunday, April 24, 2022
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Convention Center: 503-504
Welcome: APS President Mary B. Leonard, MD, MSCE, Stanford University
Introduction, 2022 Norman J. Siegel New Member Outstanding Science Award Recipient: Lisa Robinson, MD – University of Toronto
2022 Norman J. Siegel New Member Outstanding Science Award Recipient Presentation: Megan A. Moreno, MD, MSEd, MPH, Professor of Pediatrics; Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, Division Chief for General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Nothing About Us Without Us: Integrating adolescent voice into health research
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child requires researchers to give due weight to youth voices on matters that impact them. Further, global events in the past year have led to calls for increased youth engagement in revisiting policies, systems, and communities impacted by COVID-19. However, most adolescent-centered research studies involve adolescents only as participants. There are established theories and practices to utilize towards integrating youth voice into your research approaches. I will share our research team’s experiences and lessons learned regarding approaches to integrate and celebrate youth voice in health research.
2022 APS / SPR Mary Ellen Avery Award Introduction: SPR President, Beth Tarini, MD, Children’s National Medical Center
Introduction, 2022 Mary Ellen Avery Award Recipient: George Lister, MD, Yale School of Medicine
2022 Mary Ellen Avery Award Recipient Presentation: Michael A. Heymann, MD, Professor Pediatrics (Emeritus), University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
- The Elephant in the Room
We encounter innumerable problems in the management of preterm infants involving almost all organ systems. One common issue is a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA); the introduction of Indomethacin has fostered a major cottage industry of variations and publications. However the true basis for this situation, prematurity, is only sporadically addressed. The causes of premature delivery are many; however some are more common and may be pre-natal in origin and these include maternal obesity and several socio-economic issues. I will briefly address these and the role of Science and Health Literacy Education in their reduction.
David G. Nichols Health Equity Award Introduction: APS President Mary B. Leonard, MD, MSCE, Stanford University School of Medicine
Introduction, 2022 David G. Nichols Health Equity Award Recipient: Tamera Coyne-Beasley, MD, MPH, University of Alabama at Birmingham and Joseph L. Wright, MD, MPH, University of Maryland
2022 David G. Nichols Health Equity Award Recipient Presentation: David G. Nichols, MD, MBA, FAAP, Emeritus Professor of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine, and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Former President and CEO, The American Board of Pediatrics
- Sunrise Over Baltimore: A Personal Journey Toward Equity
There was a moment when healthcare disparities shifted from an abstraction to a data-driven reality. That moment hit me with breath-taking force. My remarks will share the waystations of a personal journey from bedside clinician to a systems change agent convinced that we will eliminate healthcare disparities in the next decade.
Sun., April 24, 2:30 - 3:30 pm - Enhancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Reception
Enhancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Reception
A DEI networking event sponsored by all 4 PAS Partners: AAP, APA, APS, and SPR.
Sun., April 24, 6:30 - 9:00 pm - 2022 Howland Gala
APS Howland Gala
Monday, April 25
Mon., April 25, 8 - 9:30 am - Reconstructing Systems of Care for Migrant Children in Immigration Detention: The Role of Academic Pediatric Programs
Reconstructing Systems of Care for Migrant Children in Immigration Detention: The Role of Academic Pediatric Programs
Monday, April 25, 2022
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 3C
- Paul Wise, MD, MPH
Stanford University
This session would bring together an expert group of pediatricians to discuss the dynamic reality of custodial care for migrant children in US detention and the most prominent opportunities for academic pediatrics programs to help shape systemic reform. The number of migrant children apprehended at the US/Mexican border is unprecedented. During 2021, almost 150,000 unaccompanied children, many climate refugees from Central America, were encountered by US authorities at the southwest border, a challenge that has overwhelmed systems of custodial care largely built to hold adult males seeking work in the US. This session will provide insight into the rapidly evolving nature of the challenge, including analyses of demographic, health, and COVID-19 trends, as well as policies that have had profound humanitarian implications, such as family separation, COVID-19 expulsion and Remain in Mexico protocols. Most of the session will address the capabilities and inadequacies of current systems of care and explore potential directions for substantial reform. This will include examination of how academic programs could help restructure the care children receive in Border Patrol detention facilities, Immigration and Customs Enforcement family detention facilities, Department of Health and Human Services shelters for unaccompanied children, and access to follow up care upon release into the US, particularly for children with special needs. These considerations will be directed at providing the essential evidence base and pediatric program perspective necessary to craft new, more coherent policies, procedures, and custodial systems that can better meet the profound needs and rights of this vulnerable population.
Enhanced Medical Care in Detention: Opportunities for Pediatric Leadership
Speaker: marietta Vazquez, M.D., FAAP – Yale School of Medicine -
Research and Technical Support for Reconstructing Custodial Care: The Reality and Promise
Speaker: Pritesh Gandhi, MD, MPH – Department of Homeland Security -
Enhanced Engagement by Pediatric Referral Hospitals
Speaker: Lisa Ayoub-Rodriguez, MD – Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine -
Building Networks of Specialty Care for Migrant Children Upon Release into the US
Speaker: Karla Fredricks, MD, MPH – Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital -
AAP Policies and Opportunities for Informed Advocacy
Speaker: Marsha R. Griffin, MD – University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine -
Synthesis: The Essential Integration of Whole Government and Pediatric Capabilities
Speaker: Paul H. Wise, MD, MPH – Stanford University
Mon., April 25, 1 - 2:30 pm - Embracing Multiple Identities in Academic Pediatrics: Leading with Science and Integrity
Embracing Multiple Identities in Academic Pediatrics: Leading with Science and Integrity
Monday, April 25, 2022
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 1CD
- Jean Raphael, Raphael, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Baylor College of Medicine - Gary Freed, MD, MPH
University of Michigan Medical School
As academic pediatricians adapt to the changing landscape of health care and the evolving social context, faculty members’ conceptualization of identity is also evolving. Increasingly, recognition of racial injustice, health inequities, social drivers, and politicization of health has underscored the importance of how academic pediatricians perceive their roles. Collectively, these factors may create tensions as faculty balance or integrate different components of their identity, including professional and personal. Tensions may arise from multi-faceted elements of personal identity that impact academic roles. For some faculty, the overlap or intersection of identities such as gender, race, immigrant status or sexual orientation may contribute to a unique type of systemic oppression and discrimination in the professional work setting. Tensions may also occur when faculty extrapolate the implications of their academic scholarship to child health policy and public health. As faculty create their overall identity by combining elements of their personal and professional identities, the process may be particularly challenging for those whose identities have not historically aligned nor been supported in academic pediatrics. This Hot Topic Symposium will begin with a brief overview of professional identity formation in academic pediatrics and how social forces such as racial justice, health inequities, social drivers, and politics have transformed our understanding of identity. Subsequent presentations will illustrate specific tensions in personal and professional identity. We will conclude with a discussion of the role of institutional leadership in promoting identity formation and academic success guided by science and integrity.
Professional Identity Information in Academic Pediatrics
Speaker: Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH – University of California, San Francisco -
The Power of Intersectionality in Academic Pediatrics
Speaker: Suzette Oyeku, MD, MPH – The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore -
Navigating Research Careers Through the Currents of Policy and Politics
Speaker: Beth A. Tarini, MD, MS – Children’s National Health System -
The Role of Institutional Leadership in Fostering Identity Formation and Academic Performance
Speaker: Matthew M. Davis, MD MAPP – Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago